Date of Invitations to Apply Category Score of Lowest Ranked Candidate to Apply Total Candidates Invited to Apply Other Considerations March 24, 2021 Express Entry 70 points 183 Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments.
The following NOCs have been included: 0014, 0016, 0121, 0131, 0132, 0212, 0421, 0423, 0711, 0712, 0714, 0731, 0821, 0911, 0912, 1122, 1211, 1214, 1222, 1224, 1225, 1242, 1243, 1252, 2121, 2131, 2148, 2151, 2211, 2212, 2222, 2232, 2241, 2242, 2243, 2252, 2253, 2263, 2282, 3211, 3212, 3215, 3217, 3234, 3237, 4033, 4151, 4152, 4153, 4161, 4162, 4164, 4165, 4166, 4169, 4212, 4215, 4216, 6222, 6316, 7202, 7205, 7231, 7237, 7242, 7251, 7294, 7311, 7321, 7333, 8222, 8255, 9212, 9213, 9226, 9231, 9232, 9241 March 24, 2021
Occupations In-Demand 70 points 235 Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments.
The following NOCs have been included: 0014, 0016, 0121, 0131, 0132, 0212, 0421, 0423, 0711, 0712, 0714, 0731, 0821, 0911, 0912, 1122, 1211, 1214, 1222, 1224, 1225, 1242, 1243, 1252, 2121, 2131, 2148, 2151, 2211, 2212, Updated: March 24, 2021 2222, 2232, 2241, 2242, 2243, 2252, 2253, 2263, 2282, 3211, 3212, 3215, 3217, 3234, 3237, 4033, 4151, 4152, 4153, 4161, 4162, 4164, 4165, 4166, 4169, 4212, 4215, 4216, 6222, 6316, 7202, 7205, 7231, 7237, 7242, 7251, 7294, 7311, 7321, 7333, 8222, 8255, 9212, 9213, 9226, 9231, 9232, 9241