Optimizing Your Stay in the Express Entry Pool

Posted by in CIC News, on September 19, 2023


Canadian permanent residence offers a life in a country known for its high standard of living, government support, and commitment to diversity. However, the path to Canadian PR can be challenging, and one significant part of this journey involves waiting. Even after receiving an invitation to apply (ITA) through the Express Entry system, applicants often face a waiting period, sometimes exceeding six months. But this waiting time need not be unproductive. In this guide, we’ll explore how candidates in the Express Entry pool can make the most of this waiting period, increasing their chances of PR eligibility and preparing for life in Canada.

  1. Update Your Express Entry Profile:

One of the most impactful actions you can take while in the Express Entry pool is to update your profile with information that affects your Comprehensive Ranking Score (CRS). Your CRS score plays a pivotal role in determining your eligibility for an ITA. Here’s how you can enhance your CRS score:

  • Language Proficiency: Improving your language proficiency in either English or French can significantly boost your CRS score. Higher Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) levels yield more points.
  • Foreign Work Experience: While foreign work experience alone doesn’t increase your CRS score, combining it with a high CLB can provide a substantial point boost.
  • Canadian Work Experience: Acquiring Canadian work experience can add up to 80 points to your CRS score, depending on its duration.
  • Additional Credentials: Obtaining additional educational qualifications can increase your CRS score. An extra certificate, diploma, or degree can elevate your score.
  1. Research Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs):

PNPs offer an opportunity to gain additional CRS points. These programs allow provinces to nominate candidates to immigrate based on their specific labor market needs. Express Entry candidates can benefit from these programs through enhanced nominations, which can provide an additional 600 CRS points. Research and apply to PNPs to maximize your chances.

  1. Prepare for Canadian Licensing:

Professional licensing is often required to work in regulated professions in Canada. Begin researching the licensing process for your specific profession to expedite your employment opportunities upon arrival. Many private institutes in Canada offer bridging programs designed to help internationally trained professionals adapt their skills and obtain professional licensing within the country.

  1. Network in Advance:

Building a professional network in Canada can significantly enhance your employment prospects. Networking can open doors to the “hidden” job market, where unadvertised job opportunities exist. Platforms like LinkedIn offer a valuable platform to connect with Canadian professionals. Start building relationships in advance to ease your transition into the Canadian job market.


While waiting in the Express Entry pool, candidates can take proactive steps to enhance their eligibility for Canadian PR and prepare for their new life in Canada. From improving language proficiency to networking with Canadian professionals, these actions can make a significant difference in your immigration journey. Maximize your time wisely, and your dream of Canadian permanent residence may become a reality sooner than you think.

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