Spousal Immigration
Spousal Immigration Which Is One Of The Most Important Categories In Canada. If A Student Is Coming To Canada To Study And They Have A Spouse, The Spouse Is Able To Accompany The Student. The Spouse Will Be Able To Apply For An Open Work Permit Which Will Allow Them To Work In Any Job While Their Husband/Wife Is Studying. This Can Lead To Permanent Residency. Moreover, If You Are A Canadian Citizen Or A Permanent Resident And Are Married To Someone Who Lives Abroad You Can Sponsor Them To Canada. Make Sure That You Don’t Get Trapped With Agents That Advise You Of Contract Marriages Or Provide Fake Information And Are Not Registered With The ICCRC. This Can Lead To A Ban To Canada By The Canadian Government And Can Destroy Your Future. For Your Spousal Sponsorship Make Sure You Contact Me For My Services. I Advise That You Don’t Apply Yourself As Even A Little Mistake Can Lead To A Refusal.
You Can Contact Us At 289-801-5048 Or Email Us At Info@Cadimmigration.Com
I am a 33 year old Ghanaian banker married with two boys 4 and I years respectively.
I want to relocate with family to Canada to work and school.
How do I go about it please
Thank you for your interest. Please fill out the assessment and we will contact you.
Thank you for your interest. Please fill out this assessment and we will contact you.
i am felicia sunmonu married with 2 kids a nigerian military personnel i want to relocate with my family to do business and am 38 year old.
I am a Canadian citizen and I want to sponsor my wife , I looked at all the paperwork and it’s overwhelming. Can you help me with the process
Please fill this assessment form, from a Laptop or Desktop and upload your resume too so that we can check your eligibility.