Parents and Grandparents Program 2020 open now
Biggest News Today from Immigration Canada
Today, 5th October 2020 brought a great news for all the Canadian Citizens and PR holders, who have parents and grandparents willing to travel to Canada. IRCC has announced the details of the PGP program, an endeavour by the Government to unite families.
From 13th October 2020 till 3rd November 2020, 12 pm (E.D.T) onwards, a three week period is open for the citizens and PR’s to submit an ‘interest to sponsor’ form online who wish to sponsor their parents or grandparents to Canada.
For a transparent and equal opportunity, IRCC will select potential sponsors randomly, and send them an invite to submit their respective applications. There will be 60 days time to finish and submit the application online. IRCC also gives an alternative to persons who are unable to use an online form, of submitting the sponsor form in an alternative format (paper copy, Braille or large print) through IRCC Client Support Centre or email until November 03, 2020.
Not only this, keeping in mind the adverse affect of on the finances of the sponsors due to Covid, IRCC has also introduced a ‘temporary public policy’, that underlines the income requirements for the 2020 tax year which is minimum necessary income instead of the minimum necessary income plus 30%.
The launch of the 2020 PGP Program, IRCC looks at 40000 approved family sponsorship applications by December 31, 2021 in which 10,000 are this year 2020 and 30 thousand in 2021.
The Canadian Government knows how important it is for families to be together, particularly during difficult times.
So contact us for Parents and Grandparents Program with details so that we can get your parents and grand parents here with their beloved families in Canada that is you and your family.
Tel: +1 289 801 5048
Toll Free: 1-844-657-6756
Iam interested to go Canada study and work so please help me
Please fill this assessment form, from a Laptop or Desktop and upload your resume too so that we can check your eligibility.